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Empresa Natcional Santa Barbara of Industrias Militares SA

The Empresa Natcional Santa Barbara of Industrias Militares SA (National Enterprise of Defense Industries) was the Spanish manufacturer who produced the Remington New model Army and Navy replicas in the early 70's. Santa Barbara was a state factory created in the 1960's by Francisco Franco. These weapons are not marked "black powder only". The distribution of the Remington NMA continued until 2000 when the factory ran out of stock and could no longer supply the model. The maker mark on the barrel was "MADE BY E.N. SANTA BARBARA" followed by the logo and "SPAIN".  An entire web site has been dedicated to these revovlers at

Santa Bárbara Sistemas was denationationalised by Spain and acquired by General Dynamics Europe in July 2001. Today they make military vehicles.

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